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Friday, November 24, 2017

Shahid Khan

Assignment Writing Skills Step By Step

assignment writing

When you’re undertaking tertiary study there are often a lot of assignments and writing to do, which can be daunting at first. The most important thing to remember is to start - and start early.
If you give yourself enough time to plan, do your research, write and revise your assignment you won’t have to rush to meet your deadline. Once you've started, you’ll also have something down on paper or on screen that you can improve on.
Using the steps below will help your assignments to become do-able, interesting and even enjoyable.

Step 1: Plan
Planning your assignment will help you get focused and keep you on track.
Check how much your assignment is worth and what percentage of the final mark it is. This will help you decide how much time to spend on it.Check the marking schedule to see what your tutor will be looking for when they mark your work and how the marks will be assigned. This will help you know what to focus on. If there is no marking schedule check the assignment question to see if the information is there.Think about what you need to do to complete your assignment (for example, what research, writing drafts, reference checking, reviewing and editing, etc). Break these up into a list of tasks to do.Give each task a deadline, working backwards from your assignment due date.
Step 2: Analyse the question
Before you can answer a question, you need to know what it means. Read it slowly and carefully, and try to understand what's expected of you. Ask yourself:
What's the question about? What's the topic? What does the question mean?What do I have to do?
To help you understand the question, try rewriting it using your own words using the format below:
‘This assignment is about ______________________ I have to___________________ ’
When you are analysing the question:
Look for words that tell you what to do (instructional words). For example, analyse, compare, contrast, etc. Check the meaning of the words used. Look for topic words, which tell you what you have to write about.Look for restricting words, which limit the topic and make it more specific.
You can also check for additional information about the assignment and what’s expected of you in the course materials or on your course page or forums.
Tip: When you find something about the assignment on a course page or in a forum save a copy of it. If you save all the information you gather about the assignment in one file you will have all the information in one place when you start writing.
Before you submit your assignment, print it out and check it one last time. It’s often easier to spot errors in print than on screen.
Once you’re happy, submit your assignment.

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